

An implementation of Codensity.

Codensity is the right Kan-extension of some data type along itself. As suchh, most of the values here are type restricted version of the values in the Ran module.


type Codensity f a = Ran f f a


apply :: forall a b f. Codensity f (a -> b) -> Codensity f a -> Codensity f b


bind :: forall a b f. Codensity f a -> (a -> Codensity f b) -> Codensity f b


lift :: forall f g. Functor g => (forall a. g (f a) -> f a) -> g ~> (Codensity f)


lift' :: forall f. Comonad f => f ~> (Codensity f)


liftAff :: forall f. MonadAff f => Aff ~> (Codensity f)


liftEffect :: forall f. MonadEffect f => Effect ~> (Codensity f)


lower :: forall a f g. (g ~> (Codensity f)) -> g (f a) -> f a


lower' :: forall f. Applicative f => (Codensity f) ~> f


map :: forall a b f. (a -> b) -> Codensity f a -> Codensity f b


pure :: forall a f. a -> Codensity f a
