


type WidgetStepRecord v a = { cont :: Aff a, view :: v }


newtype WidgetStep v a




unWidgetStep :: forall v a. WidgetStep v a -> Either (Effect a) (WidgetStepRecord v a)


displayStep :: forall a v. v -> WidgetStep v a


newtype Widget v a




unWidget :: forall v a. Widget v a -> Free (WidgetStep v) a


flipEither :: forall a b. Either a b -> Either b a


resume :: forall f a. Functor f => Free f a -> Either a (f (Free f a))


andd :: forall v a. Monoid v => Array (Widget v a) -> Widget v (Array a)

Run multiple widgets in parallel until all finish, and collect their outputs Contrast with orr


pulse :: forall v. Monoid v => Widget v Unit


mapView :: forall a v1 v2. (v1 -> v2) -> Widget v1 a -> Widget v2 a


mapViewStep :: forall v1 v2 a. (v1 -> v2) -> WidgetStep v1 a -> WidgetStep v2 a


display :: forall a v. v -> Widget v a


effAction :: forall a v. Effect a -> Widget v a


affAction :: forall a v. v -> Aff a -> Widget v a


asyncAction :: forall v a. v -> ((Either Error a -> Effect Unit) -> Effect (Effect Unit)) -> Widget v a
