


new :: forall input output. Effect (IOQueues IxQueue input output)


callAsync :: forall input output. String -> IOQueues IxQueue input output -> input -> Aff output

Invoke the queue in Aff


callAsyncEff :: forall input output. String -> IOQueues IxQueue input output -> Handler output -> input -> Effect Unit

Invoke the queue in Eff


registerSync :: forall input output. String -> IOQueues IxQueue input output -> (input -> Effect output) -> Effect Unit

For binding the receiver


registerSyncOnce :: forall input output. String -> IOQueues IxQueue input output -> (input -> Effect output) -> Effect Unit

Bind a receiver only once

Re-exports from IOQueues


newtype IOQueues q input output

Represents an asynchronously invokable function input -> Aff output

