

Re-exports from Psa.Output


type OutputStats = { allErrors :: Object (Tuple Int Int), allWarnings :: Object (Tuple Int Int), libErrors :: Object (Tuple Int Int), libWarnings :: Object (Tuple Int Int), srcErrors :: Object (Tuple Int Int), srcWarnings :: Object (Tuple Int Int) }

Statistics are a ratio of errors shown to errors in total.


type Output = { errors :: Array PsaAnnotedError, stats :: OutputStats, warnings :: Array PsaAnnotedError }


trimPosition :: Lines -> Position -> Position

Finds the true bounds of the source. The PureScript compiler is greedy when it comes to matching whitespace at the end of an expression, so the original source bounds always includes whitespace and comments.


trimMessage :: String -> String

Trims extraneous whitespace from psc error messages.


output :: forall m. Monad m => (Filename -> Position -> m (Maybe Lines)) -> PsaOptions -> PsaResult -> m Output

Annotates a error/warning result set with original source lines, better positions, and semantic paths (lib vs src). The callback should load the requested set of lines from the absolute filename based on the tentative position information.

Re-exports from Psa.Types


type Suggestion = { replaceRange :: Maybe Position, replacement :: String }



type PsaResult = { errors :: Array PsaError, warnings :: Array PsaError }


data PsaPath

Relative files paths from the cwd, tagged as either being part of the source files or library files of a project. The Unknown variant exists because some psc errors are inter-module and aren't reported with a canonical file.




type PsaOptions = { ansi :: Boolean, censorCodes :: Set ErrorCode, censorLib :: Boolean, censorSrc :: Boolean, censorWarnings :: Boolean, cwd :: String, filterCodes :: Set ErrorCode, libDirs :: Array String, statVerbosity :: StatVerbosity, strict :: Boolean }


type PsaError = { errorCode :: ErrorCode, errorLink :: String, filename :: Maybe Filename, message :: String, moduleName :: Maybe ModuleName, position :: Maybe Position, suggestion :: Maybe Suggestion }


type PsaAnnotedError = { error :: PsaError, message :: String, path :: PsaPath, position :: Maybe Position, source :: Maybe Lines }


type Position = { endColumn :: Int, endLine :: Int, startColumn :: Int, startLine :: Int }






