


type Mounted r = (componentDidMount :: ComponentDidMount, componentWillUnmount :: ComponentWillUnmount | r)


whileMounted :: forall props state spec rw a. Queue (read :: READ | rw) a -> (ReactThis props state -> a -> Effect Unit) -> ReactClassConstructor props state (Mounted spec) -> ReactClassConstructor props state (Mounted spec)

Deletes all handlers from Queue when unmounting


drainingWhileUnmounted :: forall props state spec rw a. Queue (read :: READ | rw) a -> (ReactThis props state -> a -> Effect Unit) -> ReactClassConstructor props state (Mounted spec) -> ReactClassConstructor props state (Mounted spec)


whileMountedIx :: forall props state spec rw a. IxQueue (read :: READ | rw) a -> String -> (ReactThis props state -> a -> Effect Unit) -> ReactClassConstructor props state (Mounted spec) -> ReactClassConstructor props state (Mounted spec)

Uses specified index


drainingWhileUnmountedIx :: forall props state spec rw a. IxQueue (read :: READ | rw) a -> String -> (ReactThis props state -> a -> Effect Unit) -> ReactClassConstructor props state (Mounted spec) -> ReactClassConstructor props state (Mounted spec)


whileMountedOne :: forall props state spec rw a. Queue (read :: READ | rw) a -> (ReactThis props state -> a -> Effect Unit) -> ReactClassConstructor props state (Mounted spec) -> ReactClassConstructor props state (Mounted spec)

Is the only handler for the singleton queue.


drainingWhileUnmountedOne :: forall props state spec rw a. Queue (read :: READ | rw) a -> (ReactThis props state -> a -> Effect Unit) -> ReactClassConstructor props state (Mounted spec) -> ReactClassConstructor props state (Mounted spec)
