

This module defines a BigInt data type for arbitrary length integers.


type BaseDigits = { isNegative :: Boolean, value :: NonEmptyArray Int }


fromString :: String -> Maybe BigInt

Parse a string into a BigInt, assuming a decimal representation. Returns Nothing if the parse fails.


fromString "42"
fromString "857981209301293808359384092830482"
fromString "1e100"


fromBase :: Int -> String -> Maybe BigInt

Parse a string into a BigInt, assuming a representation in the given base. The letters "a-z" and "A-Z" will be interpreted as the digits 10 to 36. Returns Nothing if the parse fails.

fromBase 2 "100" == fromString "4"
fromBase 16 "ff" == fromString "255"


fromInt :: Int -> BigInt

Convert an integer to a BigInt.


fromNumber :: Number -> Maybe BigInt

Convert a Number to a BigInt. The fractional part is truncated.


toString :: BigInt -> String

A decimal representation of the BigInt as a String.


toNonEmptyString :: BigInt -> NonEmptyString

A decimal representation of the BigInt as a NonEmptyString.


toBase :: Int -> BigInt -> String

A base N representation of the BigInt as a String.


toBase' :: Int -> BigInt -> NonEmptyString

A base N representation of the BigInt as a NonEmptyString.


digitsInBase :: Int -> BigInt -> BaseDigits

A base N representation of the BigInt as an array of digits.


abs :: BigInt -> BigInt

The absolute value.


even :: BigInt -> Boolean

Returns true if the number is even, false otherwise.


odd :: BigInt -> Boolean

Returns true if the number is odd, false otherwise.


prime :: BigInt -> Boolean

Returns true if the number is prime, false otherwise.


pow :: BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt

Exponentiation for BigInt. If the exponent is less than 0, pow returns 0. Also, pow zero zero == one.


not :: BigInt -> BigInt

Invert the bits.


or :: BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt

or the bits.


xor :: BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt

Exlusive or the bits.


and :: BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt

and the bits.


shl :: BigInt -> Number -> BigInt

shift the bits left and zero fill.


shr :: BigInt -> Number -> BigInt

Shift the bits right and maintain pos/neg.


quot :: BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt

Truncating integer division


rem :: BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt

The remainder after truncating integer division



toNumber :: BigInt -> Number

Converts a BigInt to a Number. Loses precision for numbers which are too large.
