

This module encapsulates the parsing logic for a .env file.


newlineChars :: Array Char

Newline characters (carriage return / line feed)


whitespaceChars :: Array Char

Whitespace characters (excluding newline characters)


settings :: Parser String (Array (Setting UnresolvedValue))

Parses .env settings.


comment :: Parser String String

Parses a comment in the form of # Comment.


name :: Parser String Name

Parses a setting name.


variableSubstitution :: Parser String UnresolvedValue

Parses a variable substitution, i.e. ${VARIABLE_NAME}.


commandSubstitution :: Parser String UnresolvedValue

Parses a command substitution, i.e. $(whoami).


quotedValue :: Char -> Parser String UnresolvedValue

Parses a quoted value, enclosed in the specified type of quotation mark.


unquotedValue :: Parser String UnresolvedValue

Parses an unquoted value.


valueFromValues :: Array UnresolvedValue -> UnresolvedValue

Assembles a single value from a series of values.


value :: Parser String UnresolvedValue

Parses a setting value.


setting :: Parser String (Setting UnresolvedValue)

Parses a setting in the form of NAME=value.
