





genericDecodeJson :: forall a r. Generic a r => DecodeRep r => Json -> Either JsonDecodeError a

Decode Json representation of a value which has a Generic type.


genericDecodeJsonWith :: forall a r. Generic a r => DecodeRep r => Encoding -> Json -> Either JsonDecodeError a

Decode Json representation of a value which has a Generic type. Takes a record for encoding settings.


decodeLiteralSum :: forall a r. Generic a r => DecodeLiteral r => Json -> Either JsonDecodeError a

A function for decoding Generic sum types using string literal representations.


decodeLiteralSumWithTransform :: forall a r. Generic a r => DecodeLiteral r => (String -> String) -> Json -> Either JsonDecodeError a

A function for decoding Generic sum types using string literal representations. Takes a function for transforming the tag name in encoding.
