

Indexed signals are similar to normal signals in that they represent a single value at all times, and can have a set of handlers that react to the value's change. However, indexed signals also allow for distinguished values for each handler if necessary (where handlers and these indexed values are indexed by a string). Updating a value for a signal can also be indexed, so the change is only reflected to that one handler. Likewise, you can broadcast the update. IxSignals could be useful for many dynamic handlers that need to listen to a shared value - for instance, the window size, so UI components can react a 'la responsive design at their own individual volition, while allowing the handler to be unregistered when the user interface component unmounts.


newtype IxSignal (rw :: Row SCOPE) a




subscribe :: forall rw a. String -> Handler a -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Add a handler to the signal, and fire on the current value


subscribeLight :: forall rw a. String -> Handler a -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Add a handler without an initial fire


subscribeDiff :: forall rw a. Eq a => String -> Handler a -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Add a handler and fire initially, but only fire when the value changes


subscribeDiffLight :: forall rw a. Eq a => String -> Handler a -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Add a handler, but only fire when the value changes


subscribeWithKey :: forall rw a. String -> (String -> Handler a) -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Add a subscriber to the set, removing and using a specific named value if it exists


subscribeWithKeyLight :: forall rw a. String -> (String -> Handler a) -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Add a subscriber to the set, without applying a value first. Deletes specific indexed named value, if it exists.


subscribeWithKeyDiff :: forall rw a. Eq a => String -> (String -> Handler a) -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Only respond to changes in signal's value, not submissions in total


subscribeWithKeyDiffLight :: forall rw a. Eq a => String -> (String -> Handler a) -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Like subscribeIxWithKeyDiff, but without an initial firing


set :: forall rw a. a -> IxSignal (write :: WRITE | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Publish a message to the set of subscribers


setExcept :: forall rw a. Array String -> a -> IxSignal (write :: WRITE | rw) a -> Effect Unit


setIx :: forall rw a. a -> String -> IxSignal (write :: WRITE | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Set a distinguished value for the index, storing if a subscriber is absent


setDiff :: forall a. Eq a => a -> IxSignal (read :: READ, write :: WRITE) a -> Effect Unit

Only set the value if it differs from the current one - useful if you don't want each handler individually to attempt diffing


setExceptDiff :: forall a. Eq a => Array String -> a -> IxSignal (read :: READ, write :: WRITE) a -> Effect Unit


setIxDiff :: forall a. Eq a => a -> String -> IxSignal (read :: READ, write :: WRITE) a -> Effect Unit


get :: forall rw a. IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect a

Gets the last message published to the subscribers


getIx :: forall rw a. String -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect a

Attempts to get the last named value, else use the global one.


clearSubscribers :: forall rw a. IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Removes all subscribers


clearIndividual :: forall rw a. IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Removes all individual


clear :: forall rw a. IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Removes all from both


deleteSubscriber :: forall rw a. String -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Removes a subscriber


deleteIndividual :: forall rw a. String -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Removes an individual value


delete :: forall rw a. String -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Removes both


make :: forall a. a -> Effect (IxSignal (read :: READ, write :: WRITE) a)

Create a signal with a starting value


ixSignalToSignal :: forall rw a. IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> String -> Effect (Signal (read :: READ, write :: WRITE) a)
