

Utilities for asynchronously drawing values out of a signal.


onWhen :: forall rw a b. (b -> Maybe a) -> Handler a -> String -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) b -> Effect Unit

Applies the function only once, when the predicate is satisfied (potentially immediately)


onAvailable :: forall rw a. Handler a -> String -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) (Maybe a) -> Effect Unit

Applies the handler once when the value exists


getWhen :: forall rw a b. (b -> Maybe a) -> String -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) b -> Aff a

Draws the value out when the predicate is matched, potentially immediately


getAvailable :: forall rw a. String -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) (Maybe a) -> Aff a

Draws the value out when Just


onNext :: forall rw a. Handler a -> String -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect Unit

Applies the handler only once, on the next change


getNext :: forall rw a. String -> IxSignal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Aff a

Draws the value out on the next change
