


type FilePath = String

Type for strings representing file paths.


normalize :: FilePath -> FilePath

Normalize a string path, taking care of .. and ., duplicated slashes, etc. If the path contains a trailing slash it is preserved. On Windows backslashes are used.


concat :: Array FilePath -> FilePath

Concatenates multiple path segments together and normalizes the resulting path.


resolve :: Array FilePath -> FilePath -> Effect FilePath

Resolves to to an absolute path ([from...], to).


relative :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath

Solve the relative path from from to to.


dirname :: FilePath -> FilePath

Return the directory name of a path.


basename :: FilePath -> FilePath

Return the last portion of a path.


basenameWithoutExt :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath

Return the last portion of a path, also dropping a specific file extension if it matches the end of the name.


extname :: FilePath -> FilePath

Return the extension of the path, from the last . to end of string in the last portion of the path. If there is no . in the last portion of the path or the first character of it is ., then it returns an empty string.


sep :: String

The platform-specific file separator. \\ or /.


delimiter :: String

The platform-specific path delimiter, ; or :.


parse :: String -> { base :: String, dir :: String, ext :: String, name :: String, root :: String }

Parse a path into components.


isAbsolute :: String -> Boolean

Determines whether path is an absolute path
