


conj :: Result -> Result -> Result

Combine two results with "And" logic, and with ", and " as the failure message separator


conj' :: String -> Result -> Result -> Result

Combine two results with "And" logic, and with a failure message separator


Operator alias for Test.QuickCheck.Combinators.conj (right-associative / precedence 3)


disj :: Result -> Result -> Result

Combine two results with "Or" logic, and with ", or " as the failure message separator


disj' :: String -> Result -> Result -> Result

Combine two results with "Or" logic, and with a failure message separator


Operator alias for Test.QuickCheck.Combinators.disj (right-associative / precedence 3)


xor :: Result -> Result -> Result

Combine two results with "Exclusive Or" logic, and with ", xor " as the failure message separator, and "XOR" as the failure message if they are both Success


xor' :: String -> String -> Result -> Result -> Result

Combine two results with "Exclusive Or" logic, and with a failure message separator and failure message if they are both Success


Operator alias for Test.QuickCheck.Combinators.xor (right-associative / precedence 3)


implies :: Result -> Result -> Result

Uses the second failure message as the result failure message


Operator alias for Test.QuickCheck.Combinators.implies (right-associative / precedence 3)


not' :: String -> Result -> Result

Supply a failure message if successful


newtype AtLeast n t a




getAtLeast :: forall n t a. AtLeast n t a -> t a


newtype AtMost n t a




getAtMost :: forall n t a. AtMost n t a -> t a


newtype Between n m t a




getBetween :: forall n m t a. Between n m t a -> t a
