


data ReactElement :: Type

Instantiated subtree of React DOM. JSX syntax produces values of this type.



data ReactComponent :: Type -> Type

This type represents constructor of a React component with a particular behavior. The type prameter is the record of props (in React lingo) that this component expects. Such constructors can be "rendered" into ReactElement via createElement.


data ReactComponentInstance :: Type

A specific instance of a React component - i.e. an object that has state and props properties on it.


class ValidReactProps (a :: Type) 

Asserts that the given type is a valid React props structure. Currently there are three rules for what is considered "valid":

  1. The type must be a record.
  2. The types of all props must be safe to pass to JavaScript, which is asserted via the CanPassToJavaScript class.
  3. There cannot be a prop named 'ref'. Currently we do not support React refs, and when we do, the type of that prop will have to be restricted to something special and effectful.



class ValidReactPropsRL (a :: RowList Type) 

Internal implementation detail of the ValidReactProps class. This has to be a separate class due to how rows work at type level.



class ReactChildren a  where

Describes a type that can be used as "content" (aka "children") of a React JSX element. The three instances below make it possible to use String and ReactElement as children directly, without wrapping them in an array.




createElement :: forall props content. ValidReactProps props => ReactChildren content => ReactComponent props -> props -> content -> ReactElement

The PureScript import of the React’s createElement function. Takes a component constructor, a record of props, some children, and returns a React DOM element.

To represent HTML data- attributes, createElement supports the _data :: Object prop.


import Elmish.HTML as H
import Foreign.Object as FO

  { _data: FO.fromHomogenous { toggle: "buttons } }

represents the <div data-toggle="buttons"> DOM element.


createElement' :: forall props. ValidReactProps props => ReactComponent props -> props -> ReactElement

Variant of createElement for creating an element without children.


getState :: forall state. ReactComponentInstance -> Effect (Nullable state)


setState :: forall state. ReactComponentInstance -> state -> (Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit

