


class (Group g) <= LeftAction g s  where

A group g acting on a space s. Instances must satisfy the following laws in addition to the Group laws:

  • Identity: forall s. lact mempty s = s
  • Compatibility: forall g h s. lact (g <> h) s = lact g (lact h s)



class (Group g) <= RightAction g s  where

A group g acting on a space s. Instances must satisfy the following laws in addition to the Group laws:

  • Identity: forall s. ract s mempty = s
  • Compatibility: forall g h s. ract s (g <> h) = ract (ract s g) h



Operator alias for Data.Group.Action.lact (left-associative / precedence 6)


Operator alias for Data.Group.Action.ract (left-associative / precedence 6)
