


data EventListener :: Type

A boxed function that can be used as an event listener. This is necessary due to the underlying implementation of Effect functions.


eventListener :: forall a. (Event -> Effect a) -> Effect EventListener

Creates an EventListener from a normal PureScript Effect function.

This function itself is effectful as otherwise it would break referential transparency - eventListener f /= eventListener f. This is worth noting as you can only remove the exact event listener value that was added for an EventTarget.


addEventListener :: EventType -> EventListener -> Boolean -> EventTarget -> Effect Unit

Adds a listener to an event target. The boolean argument indicates whether the listener should be added for the "capture" phase.


removeEventListener :: EventType -> EventListener -> Boolean -> EventTarget -> Effect Unit

Removes a listener to an event target. The boolean argument indicates whether the listener should be removed for the "capture" phase.


dispatchEvent :: Event -> EventTarget -> Effect Boolean

Dispatches an event from an event target.

Re-exports from Web.Event.Internal.Types


data EventTarget :: Type

A DOM item that can emit events.
