

This is purescript-port of Text.Parsing.Indent, 05.07.2016. A module to construct indentation aware parsers. Many programming language have indentation based syntax rules e.g. python and Haskell. This module exports combinators to create such parsers.

The input source can be thought of as a list of tokens. Abstractly each token occurs at a line and a column and has a width. The column number of a token measures is indentation. If t1 and t2 are two tokens then we say that indentation of t1 is more than t2 if the column number of occurrence of t1 is greater than that of t2.

Currently this module supports two kind of indentation based syntactic structures which we now describe:

  • Block

    A block of indentation /c/ is a sequence of tokens with indentation at least /c/. Examples for a block is a where clause of Haskell with no explicit braces.

  • Line fold

    A line fold starting at line /l/ and indentation /c/ is a sequence of tokens that start at line /l/ and possibly continue to subsequent lines as long as the indentation is greater than /c/. Such a sequence of lines need to be /folded/ to a single line. An example is MIME headers. Line folding based binding separation is used in Haskell as well.


type IndentParser s a = ParserT s (State Position) a

Indentation sensitive parser type. Usually @ m @ will be @ Identity @ as with any @ ParserT @


runIndent :: forall a. State Position a -> a

Run the result of an indentation sensitive parse


withBlock :: forall a b c s. (a -> List b -> c) -> IndentParser s a -> IndentParser s b -> IndentParser s c

withBlock f a p parses a followed by an indented block of p combining them with f.


withBlock' :: forall a b s. IndentParser s a -> IndentParser s b -> IndentParser s (List b)

Like 'withBlock', but throws away initial parse result


block :: forall s a. IndentParser s a -> IndentParser s (List a)

Parses a block of lines at the same indentation level , empty Blocks allowed


block1 :: forall s a. IndentParser s a -> IndentParser s (List a)

Parses a block of lines at the same indentation level


indented :: forall s. IndentParser s Unit

Parses only when indented past the level of the reference


indented' :: forall s. IndentParser s Unit

Same as indented, but does not change internal state


sameLine :: forall s. IndentParser s Unit

Parses only on the same line as the reference


sameOrIndented :: forall s. IndentParser s Unit

Parses only when indented past the level of the reference or on the same line


checkIndent :: forall s. IndentParser s Unit

Ensures the current indentation level matches that of the reference


withPos :: forall s a. IndentParser s a -> IndentParser s a

Parses using the current location for indentation reference


indentAp :: forall s a b. IndentParser s (a -> b) -> IndentParser s a -> IndentParser s b

<+/> is to indentation sensitive parsers what ap is to monads


Operator alias for Text.Parsing.Indent.indentAp (left-associative / precedence 9)


indentNoAp :: forall s a b. IndentParser s a -> IndentParser s b -> IndentParser s a

Like <+/> but doesn't apply the function to the parsed value


Operator alias for Text.Parsing.Indent.indentNoAp (left-associative / precedence 10)


indentMany :: forall s a b. IndentParser s (List a -> b) -> IndentParser s a -> IndentParser s b

Like <+/> but applies the second parser many times


Operator alias for Text.Parsing.Indent.indentMany (left-associative / precedence 11)


indentOp :: forall s a b. IndentParser s (a -> b) -> Optional s a -> IndentParser s b

Like <+/> but applies the second parser optionally using the Optional datatype


Operator alias for Text.Parsing.Indent.indentOp (left-associative / precedence 12)


indentBrackets :: forall a. IndentParser String a -> IndentParser String a

Parses with surrounding brackets


indentAngles :: forall a. IndentParser String a -> IndentParser String a

Parses with surrounding angle brackets


indentBraces :: forall a. IndentParser String a -> IndentParser String a

Parses with surrounding braces


indentParens :: forall a. IndentParser String a -> IndentParser String a

Parses with surrounding parentheses


data Optional s a

Data type used to optional parsing

