


getRouteParam :: forall a. RequestParam a => a -> HandlerM (Maybe String)

Get route param value. If it is named route, e.g /user/:id then getRouteParam "id" return matched part of route. If it is regex route, e.g. /user/(\d+) then getRouteParam 1 return part that matched (\d+) and getRouteParam 0 return whole route.


getRouteParams :: HandlerM (Object Foreign)

Get all route params.


getQueryParam :: forall a. String -> HandlerM (Maybe a)

Get param from query string (part of URL behind '?'). It could be any JS object, e.g. an array in case multiple repeating query parameters, or an object in case of nested query parameters (this particular behavior depends on the type of query parser - 'simple' won't parse complex objects, see


getQueryParams :: forall a. String -> HandlerM (Maybe (Array a))

Shortcut for getQueryParam paramName :: HandlerM (Maybe (Array a))


getBody :: forall a. Decode a => HandlerM (F a)

Get the request's body. NOTE: Not parsed by default, you must attach proper middleware See


getBody' :: HandlerM Foreign

Get the request's body without a Decode parsing. NOTE: Not parsed by default, you must attach proper middleware See


getBodyParam :: forall a. String -> HandlerM (Maybe a)

Get param from request's body. NOTE: Not parsed by default, you must attach proper middleware See


getRoute :: HandlerM String

Return route that matched this request.


getCookie :: String -> HandlerM (Maybe String)

Get cookie param by its key.


getSignedCookie :: String -> HandlerM (Maybe String)

Get signed cookie param by its key.


getRequestHeader :: String -> HandlerM (Maybe String)

Get request header param.


getRequestHeaders :: HandlerM (Object Foreign)

Get all request headers.


accepts :: String -> HandlerM (Maybe String)

Check if specified response type will be accepted by a client.


ifAccepts :: String -> Handler -> Handler

Execute specified handler if client accepts specified response type.


acceptsCharset :: String -> HandlerM (Maybe String)

Check if specified charset is accepted.


acceptsLanguage :: String -> HandlerM (Maybe String)

Check if specified language is accepted.


hasType :: String -> HandlerM Boolean

Check if request's Content-Type field matches type. See


getRemoteIp :: HandlerM String

Return remote or upstream address.


getRemoteIps :: HandlerM (Array String)

Return list of X-Forwarded-For proxies if any.


getPath :: HandlerM String

Return request URL pathname.


getHostname :: HandlerM String

Return Host header field.


getSubdomains :: HandlerM (Array String)

Return array of subdomains.


isFresh :: HandlerM Boolean

Check that Last-Modified and/or ETag still matches.


isStale :: HandlerM Boolean

Check that Last-Modified and/or ETag do not match.


isXhr :: HandlerM Boolean

Check if request was issued by XMLHttpRequest.


getProtocol :: HandlerM (Maybe Protocol)

Return request protocol.


getMethod :: HandlerM Method

Return request HTTP method


getUrl :: HandlerM String

Return request URL (may be modified by other handlers/middleware).


getOriginalUrl :: HandlerM String

Return request original URL.


getUserData :: forall a. String -> HandlerM (Maybe a)

Retrieves the data from the request set with previous call to setUserData


setUserData :: forall a. String -> a -> Handler

Sets the specified field of the userData object attached to the Request object to specified data
