



fromLowHighBits :: Int -> Int -> Long

Creates a signed Long from low and high bits respresented as Int


fromInt :: Int -> Maybe Long

Creates a Long from an Int value


fromString :: String -> Maybe Long

Reads an Long from a String value. The number must parse as an integer and fall within the valid range of values for the Long type, otherwise Nothing is returned.


fromStringAs :: Radix -> String -> Maybe Long

Like fromString, but the integer can be specified in a different base.


lowBits :: Long -> Int

Get low bits of a Long as an Int


highBits :: Long -> Int

Get high bits of a Long as an Int


toInt :: Long -> Maybe Int

Creates an Int if the Long value is within the range of Long.


toString :: Long -> String

Like show, but omits the ul suffix.


toStringAs :: Radix -> Long -> String

Like toStringAs, but the integer can be specified in a different base.


parity :: Long -> Parity

Returns whether a Long is Even or Odd.


even :: Long -> Boolean

Returns whether a Long is an even number.


odd :: Long -> Boolean

Returns whether a Long is an odd number.


quot :: Long -> Long -> Long

For unsigned longs, quot is identical to div.


rem :: Long -> Long -> Long

For unsigned longs, quot is identical to mod.


toSigned :: Long -> Long Signed

Converts to a signed long by reading the bits as a 2's complement 64 bit signed integer.
