


data OneOf :: Type -> Type -> Type


#type (|+|)

Operator alias for Untagged.Union.OneOf (right-associative / precedence 7)


class InOneOf a h t 




asOneOf :: forall a h t. Castable a (OneOf h t) => a -> OneOf h t


fromOneOf :: forall h t a. InOneOf a h t => HasRuntimeType a => OneOf h t -> Maybe a


toEither1 :: forall a b. HasRuntimeType a => OneOf a b -> Either a b

Unwraps a single layer of OneOf to an Either Note that for some x :: a |+| b. If the value x has a runtime value that can be read as either types a and b, then toEither1 x will return Left.

Example: toEither1 (asOneOf 3.0 :: Int |+| Number) == Left 3


getLeft :: forall a b. HasRuntimeType a => OneOf a b -> Maybe a


getLeft' :: forall a b. HasRuntimeType b => OneOf a b -> Maybe a


getRight :: forall a b. HasRuntimeType b => OneOf a b -> Maybe b


getRight' :: forall a b. HasRuntimeType a => OneOf a b -> Maybe b


defined :: forall a. a -> UndefinedOr a


uorToMaybe :: forall a. UndefinedOr a -> Maybe a


maybeToUor :: forall a. Maybe a -> UndefinedOr a


withUor :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> UndefinedOr a -> UndefinedOr b


fromUndefinedOr :: forall a. a -> UndefinedOr a -> a


class Reducible f i o | i -> f o, f o -> i where


