

Re-exports from Grain.Class


class (Grain p a) <= NonKeyedGrain p a 


Re-exports from Grain.Class.GProxy


data GProxy a



class GlobalGrain a 

Representation of a partial state of application state.

You can use this to define global state.

TypeRef is used as state key internally for uniqueness.

Re-exports from Grain.Class.KGProxy


data KGProxy k a



class GrainKey a 

Representation of key type for keyed global state.

This class's instances can be key for keyed global state.



class (GrainKey k) <= KeyedGlobalGrain k a | a -> k

Representation of a partial state of application state.

You can use this to define global state with key for dynamic items.

The first parameter is a type of key for each item, and the second parameter is a type of item.

TypeRef is used as state key internally for uniqueness.

Re-exports from Grain.Class.LProxy


data LProxy a



class LocalGrain a 

Representation of a component-local state.

TypeRef is used as state key internally for uniqueness.

Re-exports from Grain.TypeRef


fromConstructor :: forall a. a -> TypeRef

Create a TypeRef.

Treat a constructor function as reference of type.

Re-exports from Grain.UI


data VNode

The type of virtual node.


newtype Render a

The type of component renderer.

In this monad, you can declare that you use some states and updaters.



useValue :: forall p a. NonKeyedGrain p a => p a -> Render a

Listen a state, then return it.

If the state is changed, the component will be rerendered.


useUpdater :: forall p a. NonKeyedGrain p a => p a -> Render ((a -> a) -> Effect Unit)

Get an updater of a state.


usePortal :: Effect Node -> Render (VNode -> VNode)

Get portal function.


useKeyedValue :: forall k a. KeyedGlobalGrain k a => KGProxy k a -> k -> Render a

Listen a keyed global state, then return it.

If the state is changed, the component will be rerendered.


useKeyedUpdater :: forall k a. KeyedGlobalGrain k a => KGProxy k a -> Render (k -> (a -> a) -> Effect Unit)

Get an updater of a keyed global state.


useKeyedFinder :: forall k a. KeyedGlobalGrain k a => KGProxy k a -> Render (k -> Effect a)

Get a finder of a keyed global state.


useFinder :: forall p a. NonKeyedGrain p a => p a -> Render (Effect a)

Get a finder of a state.


mount :: VNode -> Node -> Effect Unit

Mount a VNode to a parent node.
