

Re-exports from Record.ExtraSrghma.CompareRecord


data SNil :: SList



data SList


data SCons :: Symbol -> SList -> SList



class OrdRecord rl row | rl -> row where




class SListToRowList (xs :: SList) (rl :: RowList Type) | xs -> rl, rl -> xs



compareRecord :: forall row rl. RowToList row rl => OrdRecord rl row => Record row -> Record row -> Ordering

#type (:::)

Operator alias for Record.ExtraSrghma.CompareRecord.SCons (right-associative / precedence 6)

Re-exports from Record.ExtraSrghma.FoldlValues


class (Homogeneous row fieldType, HomogeneousRowList rowList fieldType) <= FoldlValues (rowList :: RowList Type) (row :: Row Type) fieldType | rowList -> row fieldType where




foldlValues :: forall accum row fieldType rowList. RowToList row rowList => FoldlValues rowList row fieldType => (accum -> fieldType -> accum) -> accum -> Record row -> accum


foldMapValuesL :: forall accum row fieldType rowList. RowToList row rowList => FoldlValues rowList row fieldType => Monoid accum => (fieldType -> accum) -> Record row -> accum

Re-exports from Record.ExtraSrghma.FoldlValuesWithIndex


class (Homogeneous row fieldType, HomogeneousRowList rowList fieldType) <= FoldlValuesWithIndex (rowList :: RowList Type) (row :: Row Type) fieldType | rowList -> row fieldType where




foldlValuesWithIndex :: forall accum row fieldType rowList. RowToList row rowList => FoldlValuesWithIndex rowList row fieldType => (accum -> String -> fieldType -> accum) -> accum -> Record row -> accum


foldMapValuesWithIndexL :: forall accum row fieldType rowList. RowToList row rowList => FoldlValuesWithIndex rowList row fieldType => Monoid accum => (String -> fieldType -> accum) -> Record row -> accum

Re-exports from Record.ExtraSrghma.FoldrValues


class (Homogeneous row fieldType, HomogeneousRowList rowList fieldType) <= FoldrValues (rowList :: RowList Type) (row :: Row Type) fieldType | rowList -> row fieldType where




foldrValues :: forall accum row fieldType rowList. RowToList row rowList => FoldrValues rowList row fieldType => (fieldType -> accum -> accum) -> accum -> Record row -> accum


foldMapValuesR :: forall accum row fieldType rowList. RowToList row rowList => FoldrValues rowList row fieldType => Monoid accum => (fieldType -> accum) -> Record row -> accum

Re-exports from Record.ExtraSrghma.FoldrValuesLazy


class (Homogeneous row fieldType, HomogeneousRowList rl fieldType) <= FoldrValuesLazy rl row fieldType | row -> fieldType where




foldrValuesLazy :: forall accum row fieldType rowList. Lazy accum => RowToList row rowList => FoldrValuesLazy rowList row fieldType => (fieldType -> accum -> accum) -> accum -> Record row -> accum


foldMapValuesLazyR :: forall accum row fieldType rowList. Lazy accum => RowToList row rowList => FoldrValuesLazy rowList row fieldType => Monoid accum => (fieldType -> accum) -> Record row -> accum

Re-exports from Record.ExtraSrghma.FoldrValuesWithIndex


class (Homogeneous row fieldType, HomogeneousRowList rowList fieldType) <= FoldrValuesWithIndex (rowList :: RowList Type) (row :: Row Type) fieldType | rowList -> row fieldType where




foldrValuesWithIndex :: forall accum row fieldType rowList. RowToList row rowList => FoldrValuesWithIndex rowList row fieldType => (String -> fieldType -> accum -> accum) -> accum -> Record row -> accum


foldMapValuesWithIndexR :: forall accum row fieldType rowList. RowToList row rowList => FoldrValuesWithIndex rowList row fieldType => Monoid accum => (String -> fieldType -> accum) -> Record row -> accum

Re-exports from Record.ExtraSrghma.Keys


class Keys (xs :: RowList Type)  where




slistKeys :: forall g tuples rl. SListToRowList tuples rl => Keys rl => g tuples -> List String


pickFn :: forall r1 r2. Fn2 (Array String) (Record r1) (Record r2)


pick :: forall a r b l. Union b r a => RowToList b l => Keys l => Record a -> Record b


keys :: forall g row rl. RowToList row rl => Keys rl => g row -> List String

Re-exports from Record.ExtraSrghma.MapIndex


class MapIndex (xs :: RowList Type) (row :: Row Type) a b (from :: Row Type) (to :: Row Type) | xs -> row a b from to where




mapIndex :: forall row xs a b row'. RowToList row xs => MapIndex xs row a b () row' => (String -> b) -> Proxy row -> Record row'

Re-exports from Record.ExtraSrghma.MapRecord


class MapRecord (xs :: RowList Type) (row :: Row Type) a b (from :: Row Type) (to :: Row Type) | xs -> row a b from to where




mapRecord :: forall row xs a b row'. RowToList row xs => MapRecord xs row a b () row' => (a -> b) -> Record row -> Record row'

Re-exports from Record.ExtraSrghma.MapValuesWithIndex


class MapValuesWithIndex (xs :: RowList Type) (row :: Row Type) a b (from :: Row Type) (to :: Row Type) | xs -> row a b from to where




mapValuesWithIndex :: forall row xs a b row'. RowToList row xs => MapValuesWithIndex xs row a b () row' => (String -> a -> b) -> Record row -> Record row'

Re-exports from Record.ExtraSrghma.ParSequenceRecord


class (Parallel parM m) <= ParSequenceRecord rl row from to parM m | rl -> row from to parM m where




parSequenceRecord :: forall row row' rl parM m. RowToList row rl => ParSequenceRecord rl row () row' parM m => Record row -> m (Record row')

Re-exports from Record.ExtraSrghma.SequenceRecord


class (Functor m) <= SequenceRecord rl row from to m | rl -> row from to m where




sequenceRecord :: forall row row' rl m. RowToList row rl => SequenceRecord rl row () row' m => Record row -> m (Record row')

Re-exports from Record.ExtraSrghma.ValuesToUnfoldableLazy


newtype LazyTupleList v




valuesToUnfoldableLazy :: forall r fields f v. RowToList r fields => FoldrValuesLazy fields r v => Unfoldable f => Record r -> f v

Re-exports from Record.ExtraSrghma.ZipRecord


class ZipRecord (rla :: RowList Type) (ra :: Row Type) (rlb :: RowList Type) (rb :: Row Type) (from :: Row Type) (to :: Row Type) | rla -> ra from to, rlb -> rb from to where




zipRecord :: forall ta ra tb rb rc. RowToList ra ta => RowToList rb tb => ZipRecord ta ra tb rb () rc => Record ra -> Record rb -> Record rc
