


data Opt :: Type -> Type



undefined :: forall a. Opt a


opt :: forall a. a -> Opt a


fromOpt :: forall a. a -> Opt a -> a

Let's be consistent with fromMaybe args order here


fromOptFlipped :: forall a. Opt a -> a -> a


Operator alias for Data.Undefined.NoProblem.fromOptFlipped (left-associative / precedence 9)


toMaybe :: forall a. Opt a -> Maybe a


isUndefined :: forall a. Opt a -> Boolean


unsafeUnwrap :: forall a. Opt a -> a


pseudoBind :: forall a b. Opt a -> (a -> Opt b) -> Opt b

This is not dedicated for providing bind. We are not able to have Monad here.

It is only to provide nice operator: (coerce {}) ? .a ? .b ? _.c.d ! "default"


Operator alias for Data.Undefined.NoProblem.pseudoBind (left-associative / precedence 9)


pseudoMap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> Opt a -> Opt b

#type (<>)

Operator alias for Prim.TypeError.Beside (right-associative / precedence 2)

Ripped from typelevel-eval

#type (|>)

Operator alias for Prim.TypeError.Above (right-associative / precedence 1)


data SList

Ripped from record-extra


data SCons :: Symbol -> SList -> SList



#type (:::)

Operator alias for Data.Undefined.NoProblem.SCons (right-associative / precedence 6)


class RenderPath (path :: SList) (render :: Doc) | path -> render



class TypeMismatchErr (given :: Type) (expected :: Type) (path :: SList) (msg :: Doc) | path expected given -> msg

