




evaluateNumber :: String -> Node -> Maybe NSResolver -> Maybe XPathResult -> Document -> Effect Number

Convenience function to avoid two funciton calls and possibly mismatched types.


evaluateString :: String -> Node -> Maybe NSResolver -> Maybe XPathResult -> Document -> Effect String

Convenience function to avoid two funciton calls and possibly mismatched types.


evaluateBoolean :: String -> Node -> Maybe NSResolver -> Maybe XPathResult -> Document -> Effect Boolean

Convenience function to avoid two funciton calls and possibly mismatched types.


booleanValue :: XPathResult -> Effect Boolean

Not to be confused with retrieving xs:boolean values, this is to be used with the XPath boolean() function call.








snapshot :: XPathResult -> Effect (Array Node)

High level wrapper around snapshotItem and snapshotLength that directly returns an Array of Nodes.






defaultNSResolver :: Node -> Document -> Effect NSResolver

Same interface as createNSResolver, but will use the owner document as the nodeResolver if it exists. See MDN.
