

This module re-exports the types for the HTML DSL, and values for all supported HTML elements.


type ComponentHTML action slots m = HTML (ComponentSlot slots m action) action

A convenience synonym for the output type of a render function for a component that renders HTML.

  • action is the type of actions, events internal to the component that can be evaluated with the handleAction function
  • slots is the set of child component types that can be used in the HTML
  • m is the monad used by the child component during evaluation


type PlainHTML = HTML Void Void

A type useful for a chunk of HTML with no slot-embedding or query-raising.

Often a polymorphic usage of HTML is good enough for this, but sometimes it's useful to have a type like this (and accompanying coercion) when doing things like creating components that accept a chunk of HTML as part of their configuration.


fromPlainHTML :: forall w i. PlainHTML -> HTML w i

Relaxes the type of PlainHTML to make it compatible with all HTML.


slot :: forall query action input output slots m label slot _1. Cons label (Slot query output slot) _1 slots => IsSymbol label => Ord slot => Proxy label -> slot -> Component query input output m -> input -> (output -> action) -> ComponentHTML action slots m

Defines a slot for a child component. Takes:

  • the slot address label
  • the slot address index
  • the component for the slot
  • the input value to pass to the component
  • a function mapping outputs from the component to a query in the parent


slot_ :: forall query action input output slots m label slot _1. Cons label (Slot query output slot) _1 slots => IsSymbol label => Ord slot => Proxy label -> slot -> Component query input output m -> input -> ComponentHTML action slots m

Defines a slot for a child component, ignoring its output.

This variant may be used when the component produces output, but it is not needed in the current context, or instead of passing absurd to slot when the output type is Void.


  • the slot address label
  • the slot address index
  • the component for the slot
  • the input value to pass to the component


memoized :: forall a action slots m. (a -> a -> Boolean) -> (a -> ComponentHTML action slots m) -> a -> ComponentHTML action slots m

Optimizes rendering of a subtree given an equality predicate. If an argument is deemed equivalent to the previous value, rendering and diffing will be skipped. You should not use this function fully saturated, but instead partially apply it for use within a Component's scope. For example, to skip rendering for equal states, just wrap your render function.

myComponent = component
 { render: memoized eq render
 , ...


lazy :: forall a action slots m. (a -> ComponentHTML action slots m) -> a -> ComponentHTML action slots m

Skips rendering for referentially equal arguments. You should not use this function fully saturated, but instead partially apply it for use within a Component's scope.


lazy2 :: forall a b action slots m. (a -> b -> ComponentHTML action slots m) -> a -> b -> ComponentHTML action slots m

Like lazy, but for a rendering function which takes 2 arguments.


lazy3 :: forall a b c action slots m. (a -> b -> c -> ComponentHTML action slots m) -> a -> b -> c -> ComponentHTML action slots m

Like lazy, but for a rendering function which takes 3 arguments.

Re-exports from Halogen.HTML.Core


newtype PropName value





newtype HTML w i





newtype ClassName

A wrapper for strings which are used as CSS classes.




newtype AttrName

A wrapper for attribute names.




text :: forall w i. String -> HTML w i

Constructs a text node HTML value.


handler :: forall i. EventType -> (Event -> Maybe i) -> Prop i

Create an event handler.

Re-exports from Halogen.HTML.Elements


type Node r w i = Array (IProp r i) -> Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i

An HTML element that admits children.


type Leaf r w i = Array (IProp r i) -> HTML w i

An HTML element that does not admit children.


withKeys_ :: forall w i. (Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i) -> Array (Tuple String (HTML w i)) -> HTML w i


withKeys :: forall r w i. (Array (IProp r i) -> Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i) -> Array (IProp r i) -> Array (Tuple String (HTML w i)) -> HTML w i


wbr :: forall w i. Leaf HTMLwbr w i


video_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


video :: forall w i. Node HTMLvideo w i


var_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


var :: forall w i. Node HTMLvar w i


ul_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


ul :: forall w i. Node HTMLul w i


u_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


u :: forall w i. Node HTMLu w i


track :: forall w i. Leaf HTMLtrack w i


tr_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


tr :: forall w i. Node HTMLtr w i


title_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


title :: forall w i. Node HTMLtitle w i


time_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


time :: forall w i. Node HTMLtime w i


thead_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


thead :: forall w i. Node HTMLthead w i


th_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


th :: forall w i. Node HTMLth w i


tfoot_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


tfoot :: forall w i. Node HTMLtfoot w i


textarea :: forall w i. Leaf HTMLtextarea w i


td_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


td :: forall w i. Node HTMLtd w i


tbody_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


tbody :: forall w i. Node HTMLtbody w i


table_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


table :: forall w i. Node HTMLtable w i


sup_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


sup :: forall w i. Node HTMLsup w i


summary_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


summary :: forall w i. Node HTMLsummary w i


sub_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


sub :: forall w i. Node HTMLsub w i


style_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


style :: forall w i. Node HTMLstyle w i


strong_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


strong :: forall w i. Node HTMLstrong w i


span_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


span :: forall w i. Node HTMLspan w i


source :: forall w i. Leaf HTMLsource w i


small_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


small :: forall w i. Node HTMLsmall w i


select_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


select :: forall w i. Node HTMLselect w i


section_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


section :: forall w i. Node HTMLsection w i


script_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


script :: forall w i. Node HTMLscript w i


samp_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


samp :: forall w i. Node HTMLsamp w i


ruby_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


ruby :: forall w i. Node HTMLruby w i


rt_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


rt :: forall w i. Node HTMLrt w i


rp_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


rp :: forall w i. Node HTMLrp w i


q_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


q :: forall w i. Node HTMLq w i


progress_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


progress :: forall w i. Node HTMLprogress w i


pre_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


pre :: forall w i. Node HTMLpre w i


param :: forall w i. Leaf HTMLparam w i


p_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


p :: forall w i. Node HTMLp w i


output_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


output :: forall w i. Node HTMLoutput w i


option_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


option :: forall w i. Node HTMLoption w i


optgroup_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


optgroup :: forall w i. Node HTMLoptgroup w i


ol_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


ol :: forall w i. Node HTMLol w i


object_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


object :: forall w i. Node HTMLobject w i


noscript_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


noscript :: forall w i. Node HTMLnoscript w i


nav_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


nav :: forall w i. Node HTMLnav w i


meter_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


meter :: forall w i. Node HTMLmeter w i


meta :: forall w i. Leaf HTMLmeta w i


menuitem_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


menuitem :: forall w i. Node HTMLmenuitem w i


menu_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


menu :: forall w i. Node HTMLmenu w i


mark_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


mark :: forall w i. Node HTMLmark w i


map_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


map :: forall w i. Node HTMLmap w i


main_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


main :: forall w i. Node HTMLmain w i


li_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


li :: forall w i. Node HTMLli w i


legend_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


legend :: forall w i. Node HTMLlegend w i


label_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


label :: forall w i. Node HTMLlabel w i


keyedNS :: forall r w i. Namespace -> ElemName -> Array (IProp r i) -> Array (Tuple String (HTML w i)) -> HTML w i

Creates a Namespaced HTML element that expects indexed properties, with keyed children.


keyed :: forall r w i. ElemName -> Array (IProp r i) -> Array (Tuple String (HTML w i)) -> HTML w i

Creates an HTML element that expects indexed properties, with keyed children.


kbd_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


kbd :: forall w i. Node HTMLkbd w i


ins_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


ins :: forall w i. Node HTMLins w i


input :: forall w i. Leaf HTMLinput w i


img :: forall w i. Leaf HTMLimg w i


iframe :: forall w i. Leaf HTMLiframe w i


i_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


i :: forall w i. Node HTMLi w i


html_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


html :: forall w i. Node HTMLhtml w i


hr_ :: forall w i. HTML w i


hr :: forall w i. Leaf HTMLhr w i


header_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


header :: forall w i. Node HTMLheader w i


head_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


head :: forall w i. Node HTMLhead w i


h6_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


h6 :: forall w i. Node HTMLh6 w i


h5_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


h5 :: forall w i. Node HTMLh5 w i


h4_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


h4 :: forall w i. Node HTMLh4 w i


h3_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


h3 :: forall w i. Node HTMLh3 w i


h2_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


h2 :: forall w i. Node HTMLh2 w i


h1_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


h1 :: forall w i. Node HTMLh1 w i


form_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


form :: forall w i. Node HTMLform w i


footer_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


footer :: forall w i. Node HTMLfooter w i


figure_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


figure :: forall w i. Node HTMLfigure w i


figcaption_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


figcaption :: forall w i. Node HTMLfigcaption w i


fieldset_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


fieldset :: forall w i. Node HTMLfieldset w i


embed_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


embed :: forall w i. Node HTMLembed w i


em_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


em :: forall w i. Node HTMLem w i


elementNS :: forall r w i. Namespace -> ElemName -> Array (IProp r i) -> Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i

Creates a Namespaced HTML element that expects indexed properties.


element :: forall r w i. ElemName -> Array (IProp r i) -> Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i

Creates an HTML element that expects indexed properties.


dt_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


dt :: forall w i. Node (HTMLdt) w i


dl_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


dl :: forall w i. Node HTMLdl w i


div_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


div :: forall w i. Node HTMLdiv w i


dialog_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


dialog :: forall w i. Node HTMLdialog w i


dfn_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


dfn :: forall w i. Node HTMLdfn w i


details_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


details :: forall w i. Node HTMLdetails w i


del_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


del :: forall w i. Node HTMLdel w i


dd_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


dd :: forall w i. Node HTMLdd w i


datalist_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


datalist :: forall w i. Node HTMLdatalist w i


command :: forall w i. Leaf HTMLcommand w i


colgroup_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


colgroup :: forall w i. Node HTMLcolgroup w i


col :: forall w i. Leaf HTMLcol w i


code_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


code :: forall w i. Node HTMLcode w i


cite_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


cite :: forall w i. Node HTMLcite w i


caption_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


caption :: forall w i. Node HTMLcaption w i


canvas :: forall w i. Leaf HTMLcanvas w i


button_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


button :: forall w i. Node HTMLbutton w i


br_ :: forall w i. HTML w i


br :: forall w i. Leaf HTMLbr w i


body_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


body :: forall w i. Node HTMLbody w i


blockquote_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


blockquote :: forall w i. Node HTMLblockquote w i


bdo_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


bdo :: forall w i. Node HTMLbdo w i


bdi_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


bdi :: forall w i. Node HTMLbdi w i


base :: forall w i. Leaf HTMLbase w i


b_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


b :: forall w i. Node HTMLb w i


audio_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


audio :: forall w i. Node HTMLaudio w i


aside_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


aside :: forall w i. Node HTMLaside w i


article_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


article :: forall w i. Node HTMLarticle w i


area :: forall w i. Leaf HTMLarea w i


address_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


address :: forall w i. Node HTMLaddress w i


abbr_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


abbr :: forall w i. Node HTMLabbr w i


a_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i


a :: forall w i. Node HTMLa w i

Re-exports from Halogen.HTML.Properties


newtype IProp (r :: Row Type) i

The phantom row r can be thought of as a context which is synthesized in the course of constructing a refined HTML expression.



prop :: forall value r i. IsProp value => PropName value -> value -> IProp r i

Creates an indexed HTML property.


attrNS :: forall r i. Namespace -> AttrName -> String -> IProp r i

Creates an indexed HTML attribute.


attr :: forall r i. AttrName -> String -> IProp r i

Creates an indexed HTML attribute.
