


newtype Seed

A seed for the linear congruential generator. We omit a Semiring instance because there is no zero value, as 0 is not an acceptable seed for the generator.





randomSeed :: Effect Seed

Create a random seed


lcgA :: Int

The multiplier: a magic constant for the linear congruential generator


lcgC :: Int

The increment: a magic constant for the linear congruential generator


lcgM :: Int

The modulus: a magic constant for the linear congruential generator. It is equal to 2^31 - 1, a Mersenne prime. It is useful for this value to be prime, because then the requirement of the initial seed being coprime to the modulus is satisfied when the seed is between 1 and lcgM - 1.


lcgNext :: Seed -> Seed

Step the linear congruential generator


lcgPerturb :: Int -> Seed -> Seed

Perturb a seed value
