


rename :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Effect Unit

Renames a file.


truncate :: FilePath -> Int -> Effect Unit

Truncates a file to the specified length.


chown :: FilePath -> Int -> Int -> Effect Unit

Changes the ownership of a file.


chmod :: FilePath -> Perms -> Effect Unit

Changes the permissions of a file.


stat :: FilePath -> Effect Stats

Gets file statistics.


realpath :: FilePath -> Effect FilePath

Find the canonicalized absolute location for a path.


realpath' :: forall cache. FilePath -> Record cache -> Effect FilePath

Find the canonicalized absolute location for a path using a cache object for already resolved paths.


rmdir :: FilePath -> Effect Unit

Deletes a directory.


mkdir :: FilePath -> Effect Unit

Makes a new directory.


mkdir' :: FilePath -> Perms -> Effect Unit

Makes a new directory with the specified permissions.


readdir :: FilePath -> Effect (Array FilePath)

Reads the contents of a directory.


utimes :: FilePath -> DateTime -> DateTime -> Effect Unit

Sets the accessed and modified times for the specified file.


readFile :: FilePath -> Effect Buffer

Reads the entire contents of a file returning the result as a raw buffer.


readTextFile :: Encoding -> FilePath -> Effect String

Reads the entire contents of a text file with the specified encoding.


writeFile :: FilePath -> Buffer -> Effect Unit

Writes a buffer to a file.


writeTextFile :: Encoding -> FilePath -> String -> Effect Unit

Writes text to a file using the specified encoding.


appendFile :: FilePath -> Buffer -> Effect Unit

Appends the contents of a buffer to a file.


appendTextFile :: Encoding -> FilePath -> String -> Effect Unit

Appends text to a file using the specified encoding.


exists :: FilePath -> Effect Boolean

Check if the path exists.


fdOpen :: FilePath -> FileFlags -> Maybe FileMode -> Effect FileDescriptor

Open a file synchronously. See the Node documentation for details.


fdRead :: FileDescriptor -> Buffer -> BufferOffset -> BufferLength -> Maybe FilePosition -> Effect ByteCount

Read from a file synchronously. See the Node documentation for details.


fdNext :: FileDescriptor -> Buffer -> Effect ByteCount

Convenience function to fill the whole buffer from the current file position.


fdWrite :: FileDescriptor -> Buffer -> BufferOffset -> BufferLength -> Maybe FilePosition -> Effect ByteCount

Write to a file synchronously. See the Node documentation for details.


fdAppend :: FileDescriptor -> Buffer -> Effect ByteCount

Convenience function to append the whole buffer to the current file position.


fdFlush :: FileDescriptor -> Effect Unit

Flush a file synchronously. See the Node documentation for details.


fdClose :: FileDescriptor -> Effect Unit

Close a file synchronously. See the Node documentation for details.
