


useDebouncer :: forall m a. MonadAff m => Milliseconds -> (a -> HookM m Unit) -> Hook m (UseDebouncer a) (a -> HookM m Unit)

A hook that, once the given time period ends, will run an action using the last value written. Once the initial write occurs, a timer is set and begins counting down. If a new write occurs before that timer ends, the timer restarts. When the timer ends, the last value that was written will be passed into the handler.

Example Usage

The below example shows how to update the label with the value the user inputted after there have been 500ms of no user input.

myComponent = Hooks.component \_ ->
  label /\ labelId <- useState ""
  makeNewSearchFor <- useDebouncer (Milliseconds 500.0) \finalValue -> do
     Hooks.put labelId finalValue

     [ HH.h1_
       [ HH.text $ "Label text is: " <> label ]
     , HH.input
       [ HP.onValueInput \str -> Just (makeNewSearchFor str) ]

