

This module defines low-level bindings to the Node HTTP client.


data Request :: Type

A HTTP request object


data Response :: Type

A HTTP response object


newtype RequestHeaders

A HTTP request object



data RequestOptions

The type of HTTP request options


data RequestFamily

Values for the family request option



protocol :: Option RequestOptions String

The protocol to use


hostname :: Option RequestOptions String

Domain name or IP


port :: Option RequestOptions Int

Port of remote server


method :: Option RequestOptions String

The HTTP request method: GET, POST, etc.


path :: Option RequestOptions String

The request path, including query string if appropriate.


auth :: Option RequestOptions String

Basic authentication



cert :: Option RequestOptions String

Public x509 certificate


rejectUnauthorized :: Option RequestOptions Boolean

Is cert verified against CAs


family :: Option RequestOptions RequestFamily

IP address family to use when resolving hostname. Valid values are IPV6 and IPV4


request :: Options RequestOptions -> (Response -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Request

Make a HTTP request using the specified options and response callback.


requestFromURI :: String -> (Response -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Request

Make a HTTP request from a URI string and response callback.


requestAsStream :: forall r. Request -> Writable r

Create a writable stream from a request object.


responseAsStream :: forall w. Response -> Readable w

Create a readable stream from a response object.


setTimeout :: Request -> Int -> Effect Unit -> Effect Unit

Set the socket timeout for a Request


httpVersion :: Response -> String

Get the request HTTP version


responseHeaders :: Response -> Object String

Get the response headers as a hash Cookies are not included and could be retrieved with responseCookies


responseCookies :: Response -> Maybe (Array String)

Get the response cookies as Just (Array String) or Nothing if no cookies


statusCode :: Response -> Int

Get the response status code


statusMessage :: Response -> String

Get the response status message
