


newtype Loc a

The Loc type describes the location of a Node inside a Tree. For this we store the current Node, the sibling nodes that appear before the current node, the sibling nodes that appear after the current node, and a List of Locations that store the parent node locations up to the root of the three.

So, effectively, the parents field records the path travelled in the tree to reach the level of the current Node starting from the tree's root, and the before and after fields describe its location in the current level.




next :: forall a. Loc a -> Maybe (Loc a)

Move the cursor to the next sibling.


prev :: forall a. Loc a -> Maybe (Loc a)


first :: forall a. Loc a -> Loc a


last :: forall a. Loc a -> Loc a


up :: forall a. Loc a -> Maybe (Loc a)


root :: forall a. Loc a -> Loc a

Move the cursor to the root of the tree.


firstChild :: forall a. Loc a -> Maybe (Loc a)

Move the cursor to the first child of the current Node.


down :: forall a. Loc a -> Maybe (Loc a)

Move the cursor to the first child of the current Node.


lastChild :: forall a. Loc a -> Maybe (Loc a)

Move the cursor to the last child of the current Node.


siblingAt :: forall a. Int -> Loc a -> Maybe (Loc a)

Move the cursor to a specific sibling by it's index.


childAt :: forall a. Int -> Loc a -> Maybe (Loc a)

Move the cursor to a specific child of the current Node by it's index.


toTree :: forall a. Loc a -> Tree a

Retrieve the Tree representation, i.e., returns the root Node of the current tree.


fromTree :: forall a. Tree a -> Loc a

Get a Location representation from a given Tree.


setNode :: forall a. Tree a -> Loc a -> Loc a

Set the Node at the current position.


modifyNode :: forall a. (Tree a -> Tree a) -> Loc a -> Loc a

Set the Node at the current position.


setValue :: forall a. a -> Loc a -> Loc a

Set the value of the current Node.


modifyValue :: forall a. (a -> a) -> Loc a -> Loc a

Modify the value of the current Node.


insertAfter :: forall a. Tree a -> Loc a -> Loc a

Insert a node after the current position, and move cursor to the new node.


insertBefore :: forall a. Tree a -> Loc a -> Loc a

Insert a node before the current position, and move cursor to the new node.


insertChild :: forall a. Tree a -> Loc a -> Loc a

Insert a node as a child to the current node, and move cursor to the new node.


delete :: forall a. Loc a -> Loc a

Delete the node in the current position.


findDownWhere :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> Loc a -> Maybe (Loc a)

Search down and to the right for the first occurence where the given predicate is true and return the Loc


findDown :: forall a. Eq a => a -> Loc a -> Maybe (Loc a)

Search for the first occurence of the value a downwards and to the right.


findUpWhere :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> Loc a -> Maybe (Loc a)

Search to the left and up for the first occurence where the given predicate is true and return the Loc


findUp :: forall a. Eq a => a -> Loc a -> Maybe (Loc a)

Search for the first occurence of the value a upwards and to the left,


findFromRootWhere :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> Loc a -> Maybe (Loc a)

Search from the root of the tree for the first occurrence where the given predicate is truen and return the Loc


findFromRoot :: forall a. Eq a => a -> Loc a -> Maybe (Loc a)

Search for the first occurence of the value a starting from the root of the tree.


flattenLocDepthFirst :: forall a. Loc a -> List (Loc a)

flattens the Tree into a List depth first.


node :: forall a. Loc a -> Tree a


value :: forall a. Loc a -> a


before :: forall a. Loc a -> Forest a


after :: forall a. Loc a -> Forest a


parents :: forall a. Loc a -> List (Loc a)


children :: forall a. Loc a -> Forest a


siblings :: forall a. Loc a -> Forest a
