


consRowVec :: forall h h' w a. Succ h h' => Nat w => Vec w a -> Matrix h w a -> Matrix h' w a


Operator alias for Data.Matrix.Operations.consRowVec (right-associative / precedence 4)

> (vec2 1 2) ⤓ (matrix22 0 2 3 5)


consColVec :: forall h w w' a. Succ w w' => Nat h => Vec h a -> Matrix h w a -> Matrix h w' a


Operator alias for Data.Matrix.Operations.consColVec (right-associative / precedence 5)

> (Vec.vec2 1 2) ⇥ (matrix22 0 2 3 5)


consSingle :: forall a s s'. Succ s s' => a -> Matrix D1 s a -> Matrix D1 s' a


Operator alias for Data.Matrix.Operations.consSingle (right-associative / precedence 4)

> 1 & 2 & 3 & empty
   [1, 2, 3]


unconsV :: forall h w h' a. Pred h h' => Pos h => Pos w => Matrix h w a -> { head :: Vec w a, tail :: Matrix h' w a }
> unconsV $ matrix22 1 2 3 4
{ head: [1,2], tail: 
  [3,4] }


unconsH :: forall h w w' a. Pred w w' => Pos h => Pos w => Matrix h w a -> { head :: Vec h a, tail :: Matrix h w' a }
> unconsH $ matrix22 1 2 3 4
{ head: [1,3], tail: 
  [4] }


snocRowVec :: forall h h' w a. Succ h h' => Nat w => Vec w a -> Matrix h w a -> Matrix h' w a


snocColVec :: forall h w w' a. Succ w w' => Nat h => Vec h a -> Matrix h w a -> Matrix h w' a


findMaxIndex :: forall s a. Ord a => Pos s => Vec s a -> Int


removeRow :: forall w w' h a. Nat h => Nat w' => Nat w => Pred w w' => Int -> Matrix h w a -> Matrix h w' a

remove row at index. If index is out of bounds, there will be no change

> m

> removeRow 0 m


removeColumn :: forall w h h' a. Nat w => Nat h => Nat h' => Pred h h' => Int -> Matrix h w a -> Matrix h' w a

remove column at index. If index is out of bounds, there will be no change

> m

> removeColumn 1 m


removeCross :: forall w w' h h' a. Nat w => Nat w' => Nat h => Nat h' => Pred w w' => Pred h h' => Int -> Int -> Matrix h w a -> Matrix h' w' a


replaceWithIdBlock :: forall h w a. CommutativeRing a => Nat w => Nat h => Int -> Int -> Matrix h w a -> Matrix h w a
