


type HookSpec props ctx state action m = { context :: ctx, eval :: Lifecycle props ctx action -> HaloM props ctx state action m Unit, initialState :: state, props :: props }


newtype UseHalo props ctx state action hooks




useHalo :: forall props ctx state action. HookSpec props ctx state action Aff -> Hook (UseHalo props ctx state action) (state /\ (action -> Effect Unit))

Run renderless Halo in the current component. This allows Halo to be used with other hooks and other ways of building components.


type ComponentSpec hooks props ctx state action m = { context :: props -> Render Unit hooks ctx, eval :: Lifecycle props ctx action -> HaloM props ctx state action m Unit, initialState :: props -> ctx -> state, render :: { context :: ctx, props :: props, send :: action -> Effect Unit, state :: state } -> JSX }


component :: forall hooks props ctx state action. String -> ComponentSpec hooks props ctx state action Aff -> Component props

Build a component by providing a name and a Halo component spec.
