


newtype Interpreter m f i

An Interpreter takes inputs embedded in some functor f and pushes them out with effects m.



merge :: forall f g m i. Applicative m => Interpreter m f i -> Interpreter m g i -> Interpreter m (Coproduct f g) i

Funnels two Interpreters into one by taking the Coproduct.


never :: forall m i. Monad m => Interpreter m (Const Void) i

The Void interpreter.


liftNat :: forall f m i. Monad m => (f ~> m) -> Interpreter m f i

Builds an Interpreter from a natural transformation.


liftCont :: forall f m i. Applicative m => (forall j. (j -> m Unit) -> f j -> m Unit) -> Interpreter m f i

Builds an Interpreter from callbacks.


basicEffect :: forall i. Interpreter Effect Effect i

Runs Eff effects.


basicAff :: forall i. (Error -> Effect Unit) -> Interpreter Effect Aff i

Runs Aff effects. Takes a callback for handling exceptions.


throughAff :: forall f i. (f ~> Aff) -> (Error -> Effect Unit) -> Interpreter Effect f i

Interprets some functor f into Aff before running it.
