

This module defines a Decimal data type for arbitrary precision numbers.


fromString :: String -> Maybe Decimal

Parse a string into a Decimal, assuming a decimal representation. Returns Nothing if the parse fails.


fromString "42.001"
fromString "857981209301293808359384092830482"
fromString "1e100"
fromString "0.12301928309128183579487598149533"


fromInt :: Int -> Decimal

Convert an integer to a Decimal.


fromNumber :: Number -> Decimal

Convert a number to a Decimal.


toNumber :: Decimal -> Number

Converts a Decimal to a Number, possibly resulting in loss of precision.


toString :: Decimal -> String

A representation of the Decimal as a String.


toPrecision :: Int -> Decimal -> String

A representation of the Decimal as a String, rounded to the given number of significant digits


toFixed :: Int -> Decimal -> String

A representation of the Decimal as a String in fixed-point notation rounded to the given number of decimal places. Never returns exponential notation. Uses the default rounding mode.


isFinite :: Decimal -> Boolean

Returns true if the value of this Decimal is a finite number (not infinite, not NaN).


isInteger :: Decimal -> Boolean

Returns true if the value of this Decimal is a whole number.


toSignificantDigits :: Int -> Decimal -> Decimal

Round to the given number of significant digits.


abs :: Decimal -> Decimal

The absolute value.


acos :: Decimal -> Decimal

Inverse cosine.


acosh :: Decimal -> Decimal

Inverse hyperbolic cosine.


asin :: Decimal -> Decimal

Hyperbolic sine.


asinh :: Decimal -> Decimal

Inverse hyperbolic sine.


atan :: Decimal -> Decimal

Inverse tangent.


atan2 :: Decimal -> Decimal -> Decimal

Inverse hyperbolic tangent.


atanh :: Decimal -> Decimal

Inverse hyperbolic tangent.


ceil :: Decimal -> Decimal

Rounded to next whole number in the direction of +inf.


cos :: Decimal -> Decimal



cosh :: Decimal -> Decimal

Hyperbolic cosine.


exp :: Decimal -> Decimal

Exponential function.


floor :: Decimal -> Decimal

Rounded to next whole number in the direction of -inf.


ln :: Decimal -> Decimal

Natural logarithm.


log2 :: Decimal -> Decimal

Logarithm with base 2.


log10 :: Decimal -> Decimal

Logarithm with base 10.


max :: Decimal -> Decimal -> Decimal

The larger of two numbers.


min :: Decimal -> Decimal -> Decimal

The smaller of two numbers.


modulo :: Decimal -> Decimal -> Decimal

Modulo operation.


pow :: Decimal -> Decimal -> Decimal

Exponentiation for Decimal.


round :: Decimal -> Decimal

Round to the nearest whole number.


sin :: Decimal -> Decimal



sinh :: Decimal -> Decimal

Hyperbolic sine.


sqrt :: Decimal -> Decimal

Square root.


tan :: Decimal -> Decimal



tanh :: Decimal -> Decimal

Hyperbolic tangent.


truncated :: Decimal -> Decimal

Truncate to an integer by removing the mantissa.


e :: Decimal

Euler's number.


pi :: Decimal

Pi, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.


gamma :: Decimal -> Decimal

The gamma function.


factorial :: Decimal -> Decimal

The factorial function.
