

This module defines a strict double-ended queue.

The queue implementation is based on a pair of lists where all operations require O(1) amortized time.

However, any single uncons operation may run in O(n) time.

See Simple and Efficient Purely Functional Queues and Dequeues (Okasaki 1995)


data CatQueue a

A strict double-ended queue (dequeue) representated using a pair of lists.




empty :: forall a. CatQueue a

Create an empty queue.

Running time: O(1)


null :: forall a. CatQueue a -> Boolean

Test whether a queue is empty.

Running time: O(1)


singleton :: forall a. a -> CatQueue a

Create a queue containing a single element.

Running time: O(1)


length :: forall a. CatQueue a -> Int

Number of elements in queue.

Running time: O(n) in length of queue.


cons :: forall a. a -> CatQueue a -> CatQueue a

Append an element to the beginning of the queue, creating a new queue.

Running time: O(1)


snoc :: forall a. CatQueue a -> a -> CatQueue a

Append an element to the end of the queue, creating a new queue.

Running time: O(1)


uncons :: forall a. CatQueue a -> Maybe (Tuple a (CatQueue a))

Decompose a queue into a Tuple of the first element and the rest of the queue.

Running time: O(1)

Note that any single operation may run in O(n).


unsnoc :: forall a. CatQueue a -> Maybe (Tuple a (CatQueue a))

Decompose a queue into a Tuple of the last element and the rest of the queue.

Running time: O(1)

Note that any single operation may run in O(n).


fromFoldable :: forall f a. Foldable f => f a -> CatQueue a

Convert any Foldable into a CatQueue.

Running time: O(n)
