


data CSS :: Type

An abstract type representing records of CSS attributes.



css :: forall css. Record css -> CSS

Create a value of type CSS (which can be provided to the style property) from a plain record of CSS attributes.

For example:

div { style: css { padding: "5px" } } [ text "This text is padded." ]


mergeStyles :: Array CSS -> CSS

Merge styles from right to left. Uses Object.assign.

For example:

style: mergeCSS [ (css { padding: "5px" }), ]


type SharedSVGProps specific = (className :: String, id :: String, lang :: String, onBlur :: EventHandler, onClick :: EventHandler, onFocus :: EventHandler, onMouseDown :: EventHandler, onMouseEnter :: EventHandler, onMouseLeave :: EventHandler, onMouseMove :: EventHandler, onMouseOut :: EventHandler, onMouseOver :: EventHandler, onMouseUp :: EventHandler, style :: CSS, tabIndex :: String, xlinkActuate :: String, xlinkArcrole :: String, xlinkHref :: String, xlinkRole :: String, xlinkShow :: String, xlinkTitle :: String, xlinkType :: String, xmlBase :: String, xmlLang :: String, xmlSpace :: String, xmlns :: String, xmlnsXlink :: String | specific)



unsafeCreateDOMComponent_ :: forall props. (ReactComponent props -> props -> JSX) -> String -> Effect (ReactComponent props)
