


newtype Html i




newtype IProp (r :: Row Type) i




text :: forall i. String -> Html i


elem :: forall r i. String -> Array (IProp r i) -> Array (Html i) -> Html i


elemWithNS :: forall r i. Maybe Namespace -> String -> Array (IProp r i) -> Array (Html i) -> Html i


keyed :: forall r i. String -> Array (IProp r i) -> Array (Tuple String (Html i)) -> Html i


keyedWithNS :: forall r i. Maybe Namespace -> String -> Array (IProp r i) -> Array (Tuple String (Html i)) -> Html i


prop :: forall r i a. ToPropValue a => String -> a -> IProp r i


attr :: forall r i. String -> String -> IProp r i


on :: forall r i. String -> (Event -> Maybe i) -> IProp r i


ref :: forall r i. (ElemRef Element -> Maybe i) -> IProp r i


lazy :: forall a i. (a -> Html i) -> a -> Html i

Lazily renders a subtree given the same render function and argument.


lazy2 :: forall a b i. (a -> b -> Html i) -> a -> b -> Html i

Like lazy, but allows two arguments.


lazy3 :: forall a b c i. (a -> b -> c -> Html i) -> a -> b -> c -> Html i

Like lazy, but allows three arguments.


memoized :: forall a i. (a -> a -> Boolean) -> (a -> Html i) -> a -> Html i

Creates a render function which will lazily render it's subtree according to the given equality predicate. Arguments determined to be equal will not be re-rendered. The usage of this function is slightly Different than lazy in that you must apply it at the top-level of module.


empty :: forall i. Html i


when :: forall i. Boolean -> (Unit -> Html i) -> Html i

Re-exports from Halogen.VDom.DOM.Prop


data ElemRef a



Re-exports from Halogen.VDom.Types

