


data Style



action :: forall r i. String -> IProp (action :: String | r) i


alt :: forall r i. String -> IProp (alt :: String | r) i


autocomplete :: forall r i. Boolean -> IProp (autocomplete :: OnOff | r) i


autofocus :: forall r i. Boolean -> IProp (autofocus :: Boolean | r) i


charset :: forall r i. String -> IProp (charset :: String | r) i


checked :: forall r i. Boolean -> IProp (checked :: Boolean | r) i


classes :: forall r i. Array String -> IProp (class :: String | r) i


colSpan :: forall r i. Int -> IProp (colSpan :: Int | r) i


cols :: forall r i. Int -> IProp (cols :: Int | r) i


disabled :: forall r i. Boolean -> IProp (disabled :: Boolean | r) i


draggable :: forall r i. Boolean -> IProp (draggable :: Boolean | r) i


enabled :: forall r i. Boolean -> IProp (disabled :: Boolean | r) i


enctype :: forall r i. String -> IProp (enctype :: String | r) i


for :: forall r i. String -> IProp (for :: String | r) i


height :: forall r i. CSSPixel -> IProp (height :: CSSPixel | r) i


hidden :: forall r i. Boolean -> IProp (hidden :: Boolean | r) i


href :: forall r i. String -> IProp (href :: String | r) i


id_ :: forall r i. String -> IProp (id :: String | r) i


method :: forall r i. FormMethod -> IProp (method :: FormMethod | r) i


multiple :: forall r i. Boolean -> IProp (multiple :: Boolean | r) i


name :: forall r i. String -> IProp (name :: String | r) i


noValidate :: forall r i. Boolean -> IProp (noValidate :: Boolean | r) i


placeholder :: forall r i. String -> IProp (placeholder :: String | r) i


readOnly :: forall r i. Boolean -> IProp (readOnly :: Boolean | r) i


rel :: forall r i. String -> IProp (rel :: String | r) i


required :: forall r i. Boolean -> IProp (required :: Boolean | r) i


rowSpan :: forall r i. Int -> IProp (rowSpan :: Int | r) i


rows :: forall r i. Int -> IProp (rows :: Int | r) i


spellcheck :: forall r i. Boolean -> IProp (spellcheck :: Boolean | r) i


src :: forall r i. String -> IProp (src :: String | r) i


style :: forall r i. String -> IProp (style :: String | r) i


styles :: forall r i. Array Style -> IProp (style :: String | r) i


tabIndex :: forall r i. Int -> IProp (tabIndex :: Int | r) i


target :: forall r i. String -> IProp (target :: String | r) i


title :: forall r i. String -> IProp (title :: String | r) i


type_ :: forall value r i. ToPropValue value => value -> IProp (type :: value | r) i


value :: forall r i. String -> IProp (value :: String | r) i


width :: forall r i. CSSPixel -> IProp (width :: CSSPixel | r) i

Re-exports from DOM.HTML.Indexed


type CSSPixel = Int

Re-exports from DOM.HTML.Indexed.ButtonType

Re-exports from DOM.HTML.Indexed.CrossOriginValue


Re-exports from DOM.HTML.Indexed.DirValue


Re-exports from DOM.HTML.Indexed.FormMethod


data FormMethod


Re-exports from DOM.HTML.Indexed.InputType

Re-exports from DOM.HTML.Indexed.KindValue

Re-exports from DOM.HTML.Indexed.MenuType


Re-exports from DOM.HTML.Indexed.MenuitemType

Re-exports from DOM.HTML.Indexed.OnOff


data OnOff


Re-exports from DOM.HTML.Indexed.OrderedListType

Re-exports from DOM.HTML.Indexed.PreloadValue

Re-exports from DOM.HTML.Indexed.ScopeValue

Re-exports from DOM.HTML.Indexed.StepValue


data StepValue


Re-exports from DOM.HTML.Indexed.WrapValue


data WrapValue


Re-exports from Data.MediaType


newtype MediaType

A media type (also known as a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions or MIME type) is a standard that indicates the nature and format of a document, file, or assortment of bytes. It is defined and standardized in IETF's RFC 6838.


