

This module defines foreign types and functions for working with the 2D Canvas API.


data CanvasElement :: Type

A canvas HTML element.


data Context2D :: Type

A 2D graphics context.


data ImageData :: Type

An image data object, used to store raster data outside the canvas.


data CanvasImageSource :: Type

Opaque object for drawing elements and things to the canvas.


type Arc = { end :: Number, radius :: Number, start :: Number, x :: Number, y :: Number }

A type representing an arc object:

  • The center coordinates x and y,
  • The radius r,
  • The starting and ending angles, start and end.


type Dimensions = { height :: Number, width :: Number }

Canvas dimensions (width and height) in pixels.


data LineCap

Enumerates the different types of line cap.




data LineJoin

Enumerates the different types of line join




type Rectangle = { height :: Number, width :: Number, x :: Number, y :: Number }

A type representing a rectangle object:

  • The top-left corner coordinates x and y,
  • The width and height w and h.


type ScaleTransform = { scaleX :: Number, scaleY :: Number }

An object representing a scaling transform:

  • The scale factors in the x and y directions, scaleX and scaleY.


type TextMetrics = { width :: Number }

Text metrics:

  • The text width in pixels.


type Transform = { m11 :: Number, m12 :: Number, m21 :: Number, m22 :: Number, m31 :: Number, m32 :: Number }

An object representing a general transformation as a homogeneous matrix.


type TranslateTransform = { translateX :: Number, translateY :: Number }

An object representing a translation:

  • The translation amounts in the x and y directions, translateX and translateY.


data TextAlign

Enumerates types of text alignment.




data CanvasPattern :: Type

Opaque object describing a pattern.


data PatternRepeat

Enumerates the different types of pattern repetitions.




data CanvasGradient :: Type

Opaque object describing a gradient.


type LinearGradient = { x0 :: Number, x1 :: Number, y0 :: Number, y1 :: Number }

A type representing a linear gradient.

  • Starting point coordinates: (x0, y0)
  • Ending point coordinates: (x1, y1)


type RadialGradient = { r0 :: Number, r1 :: Number, x0 :: Number, x1 :: Number, y0 :: Number, y1 :: Number }

A type representing a radial gradient.

  • Starting circle center coordinates: (x0, y0)
  • Starting circle radius: r0
  • Ending circle center coordinates: (x1, y1)
  • Ending circle radius: r1


type QuadraticCurve = { cpx :: Number, cpy :: Number, x :: Number, y :: Number }

A type representing a quadratic Bézier curve.

  • Bézier control point: (cpx, cpy)
  • Ending point coordinates: (x, y)


type BezierCurve = { cp1x :: Number, cp1y :: Number, cp2x :: Number, cp2y :: Number, x :: Number, y :: Number }

A type representing a cubic Bézier curve.

  • First Bézier control point: (cp1x, cp1y)
  • Second Bézier control point: (cp2x, cp2y)
  • Ending point: (x, y)


getCanvasElementById :: String -> Effect (Maybe CanvasElement)

Get a canvas element by ID, or Nothing if the element does not exist.


getContext2D :: CanvasElement -> Effect Context2D

Get the 2D graphics context for a canvas element.


getCanvasWidth :: CanvasElement -> Effect Number

Get the canvas width in pixels.


setCanvasWidth :: CanvasElement -> Number -> Effect Unit

Set the canvas width in pixels.


getCanvasHeight :: CanvasElement -> Effect Number

Get the canvas height in pixels.


setCanvasHeight :: CanvasElement -> Number -> Effect Unit

Set the canvas height in pixels.


getCanvasDimensions :: CanvasElement -> Effect Dimensions

Get the canvas dimensions in pixels.


setCanvasDimensions :: CanvasElement -> Dimensions -> Effect Unit

Set the canvas dimensions in pixels.


canvasToDataURL :: CanvasElement -> Effect String

Create a data URL for the current canvas contents


setLineWidth :: Context2D -> Number -> Effect Unit

Set the current line width.


setLineDash :: Context2D -> Array Number -> Effect Unit

Set the current line dash pattern.


setFillStyle :: Context2D -> String -> Effect Unit

Set the current fill style/color.


setStrokeStyle :: Context2D -> String -> Effect Unit

Set the current stroke style/color.


setShadowBlur :: Context2D -> Number -> Effect Unit

Set the current shadow blur radius.


setShadowOffsetX :: Context2D -> Number -> Effect Unit

Set the current shadow x-offset.


setShadowOffsetY :: Context2D -> Number -> Effect Unit

Set the current shadow y-offset.


setShadowColor :: Context2D -> String -> Effect Unit

Set the current shadow color.


setMiterLimit :: Context2D -> Number -> Effect Unit

Set the current miter limit.


setLineCap :: Context2D -> LineCap -> Effect Unit

Set the current line cap type.


setLineJoin :: Context2D -> LineJoin -> Effect Unit

Set the current line join type.


setGlobalCompositeOperation :: Context2D -> Composite -> Effect Unit

Set the current composite operation.


setGlobalAlpha :: Context2D -> Number -> Effect Unit

Set the current global alpha level.


beginPath :: Context2D -> Effect Unit

Begin a path object.


stroke :: Context2D -> Effect Unit

Stroke the current object.


fill :: Context2D -> Effect Unit

Fill the current object.


clip :: Context2D -> Effect Unit

Clip to the current object.


lineTo :: Context2D -> Number -> Number -> Effect Unit

Move the path to the specified coordinates, drawing a line segment.


moveTo :: Context2D -> Number -> Number -> Effect Unit

Move the path to the specified coordinates, without drawing a line segment.


closePath :: Context2D -> Effect Unit

Close the current path.


strokePath :: forall a. Context2D -> Effect a -> Effect a

A convenience function for drawing a stroked path.

For example:

strokePath ctx $ do
  moveTo ctx 10.0 10.0
  lineTo ctx 20.0 20.0
  lineTo ctx 10.0 20.0
  closePath ctx


fillPath :: forall a. Context2D -> Effect a -> Effect a

A convenience function for drawing a filled path.

For example:

fillPath ctx $ do
  moveTo ctx 10.0 10.0
  lineTo ctx 20.0 20.0
  lineTo ctx 10.0 20.0
  closePath ctx


arc :: Context2D -> Arc -> Effect Unit

Render an arc object.


rect :: Context2D -> Rectangle -> Effect Unit

Render a rectangle.


fillRect :: Context2D -> Rectangle -> Effect Unit

Fill a rectangle.


strokeRect :: Context2D -> Rectangle -> Effect Unit

Stroke a rectangle.


clearRect :: Context2D -> Rectangle -> Effect Unit

Clear a rectangle.


scale :: Context2D -> ScaleTransform -> Effect Unit

Apply a scaling transform.


rotate :: Context2D -> Number -> Effect Unit

Apply a rotation.


translate :: Context2D -> TranslateTransform -> Effect Unit

Apply a translation


transform :: Context2D -> Transform -> Effect Unit

Apply a general transformation to the current transformation matrix


setTransform :: Context2D -> Transform -> Effect Unit

Set the transformation matrix


textAlign :: Context2D -> Effect TextAlign

Get the current text alignment.


setTextAlign :: Context2D -> TextAlign -> Effect Unit

Set the current text alignment.


textBaseline :: Context2D -> Effect TextBaseline

Get the current text baseline.


setTextBaseline :: Context2D -> TextBaseline -> Effect Unit

Set the current text baseline.


font :: Context2D -> Effect String

Get the current font.


setFont :: Context2D -> String -> Effect Unit

Set the current font.


fillText :: Context2D -> String -> Number -> Number -> Effect Unit

Fill some text.


strokeText :: Context2D -> String -> Number -> Number -> Effect Unit

Stroke some text.


measureText :: Context2D -> String -> Effect TextMetrics

Measure some text.


save :: Context2D -> Effect Unit

Save the current context.


restore :: Context2D -> Effect Unit

Restore the previous context.


withContext :: forall a. Context2D -> Effect a -> Effect a

A convenience function: run the action, preserving the existing context.

For example, outside this block, the fill style is preseved:

withContext ctx $ do
  setFillStyle ctx "red"


tryLoadImage :: String -> (Maybe CanvasImageSource -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit

Asynchronously load an image file by specifying its path.


getImageData :: Context2D -> Number -> Number -> Number -> Number -> Effect ImageData

Get image data for a portion of the canvas.


putImageData :: Context2D -> ImageData -> Number -> Number -> Effect Unit

Set image data for a portion of the canvas.


putImageDataFull :: Context2D -> ImageData -> Number -> Number -> Number -> Number -> Number -> Number -> Effect Unit

Set image data for a portion of the canvas.


createImageData :: Context2D -> Number -> Number -> Effect ImageData

Create an image data object.


createImageDataCopy :: Context2D -> ImageData -> Effect ImageData

Create a copy of an image data object.


imageDataWidth :: ImageData -> Int

Get the width of an ImageData object.


imageDataHeight :: ImageData -> Int

Get the height of an ImageData object.


imageDataBuffer :: ImageData -> Uint8ClampedArray

Get the underlying buffer from an ImageData object.


createPattern :: Context2D -> CanvasImageSource -> PatternRepeat -> Effect CanvasPattern

Create a new canvas pattern (repeatable image).


setPatternFillStyle :: Context2D -> CanvasPattern -> Effect Unit

Set the Context2D fillstyle to the CanvasPattern.


createLinearGradient :: Context2D -> LinearGradient -> Effect CanvasGradient

Create a linear CanvasGradient.


createRadialGradient :: Context2D -> RadialGradient -> Effect CanvasGradient

Create a radial CanvasGradient.


addColorStop :: CanvasGradient -> Number -> String -> Effect Unit

Add a single color stop to a CanvasGradient.


setGradientFillStyle :: Context2D -> CanvasGradient -> Effect Unit

Set the Context2D fillstyle to the CanvasGradient.


quadraticCurveTo :: Context2D -> QuadraticCurve -> Effect Unit

Draw a quadratic Bézier curve.


bezierCurveTo :: Context2D -> BezierCurve -> Effect Unit

Draw a cubic Bézier curve.
